About Melvinkobe

First and foremost, the important stuff:
Phone - +32 478 58 88 11
E-mail - here

Melvinkobe is a photographer operating from the lovely city of Ghent & traveling around whenever an assignment requires him to do so.

His primary work involves interior photography, a bit of architecture, and even some real estate.

Occasionally, he enjoys taking a break from the (mostly) controlled environment of interior photography in order to dive head-first into the fascinating world of portraiture. He loves studio lighting, but probably couldn't point a strobe in the right direction if his life depended on it.

Melvinkobe's owner was a magnificent, one-of-a-kind cat named Miles (2007-2022), God bless his feline soul.

'Melvinkobe' is not his real name. His real name is too long to put into a URL. But it's quite exotic-sounding.

Some people might think it's very unprofessional to use an 'about'-photo of a sleeping Melvinkobe here. But Melvinkobe himself thinks portraits of photographers holding a camera to their eye in front of a mirror are like portraits of musicians holding their instrument.

Melvinkobe is not on Twitter. Or Facebook. Or, God forbid, on Tik Tok. Sorry about that. He might be on Instagram, if you look around for a bit I'm sure you'll find him.

All photos on this site were made by Melvinkobe, unless this one here which was made by Nathalie, a stealthy person from a past life.
